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I've not been able to update TrelloExport frequently lately, but still it is alive!

Last updates are:

Version 1.9.71 adds new columns (checklist items' due date, assignee and status) to checklists' mode excel export

TrelloExport 1.9.72 re-introduces the capability to load templat...

New features for Excel and HTML exports!

What's new for TrelloExport 1.9.34?

Versions 1.9.33 and .34, released today, bring some new features:

  • new data field dateLastActivity exported (issue #18)
  • new data field numberOfComments exported (issue #19)
  • new option to choose which columns...

A quick recap of new features in TrelloExport 1.9.24 and 1.9.25.


This release wasn't followed by a post, so just a couple of words: 1.9.24 introduced new flags in the options dialog (checkboxes to enable/disable exporting of comments, checklist items and attachments) and a new option to e...