Export HTML with templates!

Introducing Twig Templates

TrelloExport 1.9.43 is an huge update for HTML export, adopting Twig Templates - using the TwigJS library.

Using a template engine means, in few words, we can export personalized HTML files with data from our Trello boards.

We can cu...

New features for Excel and HTML exports!

What's new for TrelloExport 1.9.34?

Versions 1.9.33 and .34, released today, bring some new features:

  • new data field dateLastActivity exported (issue #18)
  • new data field numberOfComments exported (issue #19)
  • new option to choose which columns...

New CSS and options to format HTML exported files.

What's new for TrelloExport 1.9.30?

A couple of bugs should be fixed, and the HTML export was improved a little.

We have a new option to turn on and off the exporting of cards' creation date and creator into the HTML (and Markdown too), and a...