TrelloExport is a Chrome extension to export data from Trello to Excel.
A new Options dialog gets opened when you click on TrelloExport button:

You can now set the data-limit, i.e. the max number of items to request to Trello APIs, and the type of export.
The default is to export the full board, as in all previous version. A new options is to export only one or more lists from the current board:

You just have to CMD-Click on the Mac, or Control-Click on PCs, to select one or more lists, and then click "Export" to get your XSLX file as before - just it will hold only data from the specified list(s).
I'd like to extend this Options dialog to allow, for example:
Your feedback is welcome, just comment here, on the dedicated Trello board or open new issues in the Github project page.
A little enhancement as per issue #5: now completed checklist items are exported with the detail of who and when the item was completed.
Get TrelloExport on GitHub at