Some bugfix and some new features for TrelloExport, a Chrome extension to export data from Trello to Excel.
Dates are now formatted accordingly to user (browser) locale.
We now can set multiple 'Done' list names for the card completion calculation function (see "Done prefix" in notes for version 1.9.13).

The input box now accepts a comma-separated list of partial list names, i.e. just specify multiple names in the textbox like 'Done,Completed' (without apices).
Card completion time will be calculated for all cards that were moved to a list whose name starts with one of these prefixes.
We now can optionally filter the exported lists by name, when exporting multiple boards (see the new "filter lists by name" box in figure above).
As per the multiple 'Done list name' prefixes, the 'Filter lists by name' input box accepts a comma-separated list of partial list names, i.e. just specify multiple names in the textbox like 'Done,Completed' (without apices). Lists will then be (case insensitively) matched when their name starts with one of these values.
Your feedback is welcome on all these new features! Also consider some bugs could come out: if so, please open an issue on GitHub or contact me, I'll do my best to fix it quickly.
If you wish to support the development of this tool, you can now make a donation.
Get TrelloExport on GitHub at, and follow the installation instructions in the readme.