TrelloExport is a Chrome extension to export data from Trello to Excel. I just pushed on Github an updated version, which supports exporting more data like checklists and comments.

Update: available on Chrome Web Store

Since July, 23, 2016 TrelloExport is available on the Chrome Web Store.

TrelloExport 1.8.8

You can get TrelloExport at
This is a fork of the original TrelloExport extension, available at

Fork modifications

  1. export Trello Plus Spent and Estimate values, extracting values from card titles in format (S/E)
  2. export comments (with a default limit of 100, see commentLimit in script)
  3. export checklists and checklists' items
  4. export list of attachments
  5. export a link to each card
  6. export votes
  7. use updated version of xlsx.js, modified by me (escapeXML)
  8. use updated version of jquery, 2.1.0
  9. use usernames instead of initials for members


I modified the escapeXML function in xlsx.js to avoid errors with XML characters when loading the spreadsheet in Excel. I tested exporting quite big boards like Trello Development or Trello Resources and no more have issues with invalid characters.
I put a couple of sample export files in the xlsx subfolder.

Columns: the list of columns exported is now:

columnHeadings = ['List', 'Title', 'Link', 'Description', 'Checklists', 'Comments', 'Attachments', 'Votes', 'Spent', 'Estimate', 'Due', 'Members', 'Labels']


I tried formatting data in a readable format, suggest changes if you don't like how it is now.

Comments are formatted with [date - username] comment, e.g.:

[2014-01-31 18:38:31 - kathyschultz1] the add-on for exporting to Excel is a good start, but I'm w/all who dream of a report that includes checklists and comments. Thanks Trello warriors!

I added commentLimit to limit the number of comments to extract: play with the value (default 100) as per your needs.
There are currently no limits in the number of checklists, checklist items or attachments.

Attachments are listed in a similar way, with [filename] (bytes) url, e.g.:

[chrome.jpg] (62806)

Excel formatting: after opening the excel you will have to adjust columns widths and formatting. I normally align cells on top and wrap text to have a readable format - see the samples in xlsx.

How to install

This fork is not on the Chrome Web Store, but you can manually install it by following these steps:

  1. Download the repository as a zip file
  2. Extract zip
  3. Go to Chrome Exensions: chrome://chrome/extensions/
  4. Click on Developer Mode checkbox
  5. Click on Load unpacked extension...
  6. Select the folder containing the source files
  7. Reload Trello

How to use

  1. From a board, click on the board title
  2. Click on Share, print, and export...
  3. Click on Export Excel

What's next?

I wish to add a configuration dialog to set some options before exporting, e.g. to choose which lists to export, to set the limit onn the number of comments to extract etc.
Suggestions are welcome!

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